
Herb tea blend Eucalyptus/Manuka/Aloe Vera no added flavoring

  • Iced tea
  • Item No. 21273
  • Package Unit: 1 bag per 1 kg

Dive into our oasis of well-being and feel the welcome of a perfect interplay of cooling freshness, gentle sweetness and light spiciness! A natural and multi-faceted creation with large pieces of Aloe vera and bright cornflowers, it suggests the visual and flavorful promise of refreshment. Abandon yourself to our desert lily, the Aloe vera, and its companions: refreshing eucalyptus leaves, peppermint, spicy ginger pieces, sweet fennel and a sprinkling of Manuka honey powder. Enjoy this creation both hot and cold!

 5-10 minutes
203-212 °F
1-2 level tsp./ 6 oz serving