Sugar, spice and everything nice! This rooibos blend has sweet chocolaty notes from the cocoa shells and nibs followed by a kick of spice of cinnamon and chili peppers that are sure to perk you up! INFO: You can regulate the spiciness yourself by adding chilies. For beginners - try it without the chilies first and add to your liking.
Boo! Trick or treat? Nothing to be scared of: we’ve chosen the sweet treat so well known and loved. Be it in the form of the favorite holiday pie or, as is the case here, simply in a cup, the pumpkin in combination with just the right touch of spice fascinates us all. We felt that this rooibos indulgence was a good way to start the second half of the year.Do you agree?
Owing to increasing popularity we decided to open yet another amusement park centered around our fair sweet almond. The location: our premium long cut rooibos, the time: from dusk till dawn, the VIP: YOU! Dive into fun and celebrate with us year-round!
A great basket of tasty, ripe, fruity raspberries have just been picked from the bush. Real vanilla crowns the expressive fruit. The raspberry and vanilla pieces keep the promise of this exciting tea creation’s name. Tender, sweet and creamy moments not only for the romantics among us.
When thinking of pumpkin, the big Jack-O-lantern Halloween pumpkins cross your mind. But our Rooibos variety is not scary at all. The colorful decoration is given life by adding select ingredients such as grass-green stinging nettle leaves, brightly colored blossoms, and crisp fruits. An extraordinarily fruity and fresh taste sensation not only for fall.
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