These blossoms are a major part of fruit teas and give a fresh and succinctly tangy infusion. Depending on the country of origin, the color and acidity varies. Hence, with fruit tea blends you can determine the degree of acidity and/or color by trying out different quantities and qualities of hibiscus blossoms. To those who are very thirsty, we can recommend the pure, freshly brewed and cool Nigerian hibiscus tea as a really thirst-quenching drink in summer.
Being mild and caffeine-free, this dried blossom makes a very appropriate drink in every season. People also like using it to pamper their skin in the vapor of a hot chamomile bath. We are offering a chamomile of very high quality. The typical chamomile character of this infusion is particularly intense. The larger and optically more conspicuous Roman chamomile has a similar taste but is preferred for decoration purposes. Chamomile has been brewed since the Neolithic Age.
Pale flowers, a delicate yellow cup and the unmistakable tartness of hibiscus flowers. Owing to popular demand, we have now included the white hibiscus in our range. Surprisingly different and yet so familiar, this quality is just as impressive as its "big red brother".
Worldwide there are roughly 150 types of dittany (family "Sideretis") of which the vast majority grows in the Mediterranean region. The majority of these members of the labiate family grows wild, only some varieties are cultivated. Greek mountain tea is rich in essential oils and its blossoms, stems and leaves set free the scent of fresh herbs with a hint of lemon when infused. The taste is fruity, tangy with a slightly spicy, earthy note. Enjoy hot or cold and sweetened with a little sugar or honey.
Lemon verbena, also called lemon beebrush or verveine, originated in South America but has long since conquered Europe. The whole, rolled leaves of our beautiful, Portuguese organic quality are not only a feast for the eyes, the highly aromatic, refreshing citrus notes that unfold are a delight at any time of day, both warm and chilled over ice.
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